Kennewick, WA

(360) 703-7736

alpha omega – nw


Welcome to Alpha Omega NW! A site dedicated to helping you identify and manage asbestos containing materials in your home, business, or facility.

I am dedicated to providing my clients with the very best environmental building inspection services, with a focus on integrity, accuracy, and affordability. I trust you will find exceptional value in my services. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (360) 703-7736 or leave a message on the contact page.

I first obtained certification as an AHERA Building Inspector in 1989 and completed numerous building inspections for clients in Skagit, Island, and Whatcom Counties. During this time, I also worked as a Certified Asbestos Abatement Worker/Supervisor, removing Asbestos containing materials from residential homes, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities. I also held laboratory certification for both airborne sample analysis (PCM/NIOSH-582) and Bulk Asbestos Identification (PLM) methods for several years. In 1998, I left the environmental industry for a career in industrial safety and health. For the past ten years, I have shifted my focus to corporate finance, completed my MBA, and currently help construction companies with financial and safety compliance.

Ready For An Inspection?

Give us a call at (360) 703-7736 or send a message on our contact us page

alpha omega – nw

Building Inspection – Done Right

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